Congratulations to Lonmay for the smooth start of the 1441.09KWP distributed photovoltaic power generation project

Release date:2024-04-17

In order to implement the work arrangements of the national andprovincial governments at all levels on high-quality development, Guangdong LonmayNew Material Co., Ltd. held a grand opening ceremony for the 1441.09KWPdistributed photovoltaic power generation project with a total investment ofmore than 5 million yuan on April 16. Lonmay Chairman Guo Senlang, DeputyGeneral Manager Shen Jianjun, Deputy General Manager Guo Dongliang, and ZhongLijin, Managing Director of Zhuhai Yibu New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.,attended the opening ceremony.

Theconstruction of this distributed photovoltaic power generation project utilizesthe originally idle factory roof to convert the endless sunlight into cleanelectricity resources. The start of this project marks that Lonmay has taken asolid step in the field of new energy, which will accelerate the transformationof green production methods and make positive contributions to the realizationof the country's "dual carbon" goals.

GuoSenlang, chairman of Lonmay Company, said: "The start of the distributedphotovoltaic power generation project is an important measure for LonmayCompany to actively respond to the country's call for high-quality developmentand vigorously promote green production. We will use this project as anopportunity to realize the goal for the company. The ambitious goal ofsustainable development injects strong impetus, contributes to energyconservation and emission reduction, and achieves a win-win situation ofeconomic and social benefits.”


At theeconomic level, the project is expected to generate nearly 2 million KW ofelectricity annually upon completion, which will provide stable power supplyfor Lonmay Company, reduce the consumption of traditional energy, and therebyreduce production costs. Adopting the model of self-use and grid-connection ofsurplus electricity, when the enterprise uses it for its own use, the excesselectricity can be integrated into the national grid, bringing additionaloperating income to the company. In the long run, distributed photovoltaicpower generation projects will play a significant role in reducing costs andincreasing efficiency for enterprises.


At thesocial level, photovoltaic power generation is a clean, renewable andpollution-free energy source. The implementation of this project is expected tosave 680 tons of standard coal and reduce 2,000 tons of carbon dioxideemissions every year. It is of far-reaching significance for mitigating climatechange and protecting the ecological environment. The smooth start of thedistributed photovoltaic power generation project of Lonmay Company, throughthe company's pioneering example, will promote public attention to clean energyand further promote the concept of green development to be deeply rooted in thehearts of the people.


Theconstruction of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects not onlydemonstrates Lonmay's foresight in the field of new energy, but alsodemonstrates the company's strategic vision in promoting green and sustainabledevelopment. This important move will undoubtedly become a milestone on thehigh-quality development path of Lonmay Company, helping the company gaingreater advantages in market competitiveness and write a new chapter in greendevelopment.

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Address:No. 15, Hefeng Road, Heyun Town, Qingxin District, Qingyuan City, Guandong, China